Take the mystery out of source code.
Our Source Code Listing tools take the mystery out of source code by creating an easy to understand, exhibit-ready, formatted and line-numbered display of your source code files.
Two types of
source code listings
Single File Source Code Listing
Dual File Side-by-side Source Code Listing
Both our single file and side-by-side Source Code Listing tools create convenient word document displays that you can use as an illustrative visual aid for judges, juries, or other members of your organization. Exhibit numbers, page numbers, line numbers, and file path names on each page help the witness keep the record clear and meaningful. Even easier, CaseMatters.com can generate listings of an entire code base via our consulting services.
Features and benefits
Completely Confidential
At Casematters.com we understand confidentiality is paramount. Uploaded files are processed entirely in memory and are not stored on our server.
Exhibit-Ready and Easy to Understand
Creates an exhibit ready, formatted and line-numbered word document display that’s easy for judges, juries, and members of your organization to see and understand.
Cost Effective
Streamlines the process of creating source code exhibits manually with automatic formatting.
Choose to display a single source code file, or two source code files side-by-side for easy comparison. Identify the client for easy billing. Insert text to be displayed as a header or footer.
Consistent and Accessible
Provides consistency for exhibits between cases, which can easily be shared with others in your organization.
Trackable Client Billing
Casematters.com tools make it easy to track billing to your clients. Simply enter your client identifier when using our Source Code Tokenizing tool.
Cross-Platform Compatibility
Casematters.com tools will work on any Macintosh or Windows PC computer.
Request a demo.
Discover how our innovative platform can streamline your legal workflows, enhance productivity, and provide actionable insights for better decision-making. Request a personalized demo today and see how we can address your unique challenges.